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Step into the Future of Rehabilitation with Virtual Recovery Technology

Experience Cutting-Edge Therapy for Rapid, Effective Recovery

4.9 out of 5.0 stars

mediVR guided Somato - Cognitive Coordination therapy ( SCCT ),Also known as brain-reprogramming therapy , it is believed to stimulate brain plasticity and organize the information network process in the brain by repeatedly reaching toward an object displayed in a VR space . Guided SCCT is unique because it can be applied to rehabilitate many cases, regardless of the underlying disease.

In SCCT , the unique environment created by mediVR induces a motor coordination disorder in the primary motor cortex, akin to the entangled wires of a marionette puppet . This is followed by a therapeutic process that methodically untangles these complexities.

Redefine Your Rehabilitation Experience

With SCCT , recovery becomes exciting and effective. The patient wears an immersive head-mounted display controller held in both hands or fixed in specific body parts that help move better through fun and engaging games.

Feedback through visual, auditory, and vibrational senses is provided upon touching the target.

This tool can prompt intended movements from patients with neurocognitive disorders, advanced neurological conditions, and children with intellectual disabilities by offering non-verbal,high-affordance visual information.

Somato-cognitive Coordination Therapy Using VR

This innovative tool leverages VR and tracking technologies to assist patients with conditions such as stroke, advanced severe Parkinson's disease (PD), cerebral ataxia, and cerebral palsy (CP), as well as those recovering their physical and cognitive abilities.Including pain management and post-surgery rehabilitation.

By engaging in interactive 3D games, patients can enhance their balance and mobility, making rehabilitation both effective and enjoyable.

The device incorporates twenty-one proprietary patented technologies and supports SCCT technologies, ensuring precise and effective therapy tailored to each patient's unique needs.


Sitting Rehabilitation

Improve posture and balance with safe, seated exercises, reducing the risk of falls. Perfect for those who struggle with standing or walking.

Dual Task Training

Enhance coordination and functionality with simultaneous cognitive and motor tasks in a virtual reality environment.

Encourages Spontaneity

Leverages natural reactions for intuitive, effective rehab without verbal instructions, ideal for patients with cognitive impairments.

Quantitative Evaluation

Provides precise, measurable instructions and assessments for customized, efficient rehabilitation.

Multisensory Feedback

Engage multiple senses for a more immersive, motivating, and effective rehabilitation experience.



An 11-year-old boy with cerebral palsy, requiring severe assistance for standing and full assistance for walking, underwent 24 treatment sessions over 33 days.

After treatment, he was able to walk about a dozen steps using a Lofstrand cane. This case demonstrates significant mobility improvement with intensive therapy.

This testimonial is covered by NHK WORLD JPN


A 40-year-old man, five years post-left capsular hemorrhage, transitioned from a metal brace AFO to a plastic AFO.

In just three months, he experienced significant improvements in mobility, comfort, and confidence. The lighter, more flexible plastic AFO allowed for better movement and a more comfortable fit, enhancing his overall quality of life and demonstrating the effectiveness of modern orthopedic support solutions.


A woman in her 30s, 10 months after a stroke, participated in a 20-minute session of somato-cognitive coordination therapy (SCCT).

Her ability to move small objects (measured by the Box and Block Test) improved from 28 to 40, showing better hand coordination and motor skills. This case highlights SCCT's potential to significantly help advanced Parkinson's patients.


Masahiko Hara, CEO of mediVR®

Masahiko Hara, the visionary CEO of mediVR®, is the driving force behind the development of mediVR®. With a background as a cardiologist specializing in heart attack treatment, Hara often visited physical rehabilitation centers and engaged in discussions with therapists.

He realized the potential for VR technology to revolutionize physiotherapy. His passion for improving patient outcomes led him to create mediVR®, a tool that combines his medical expertise with innovative technology to offer effective rehabilitation solutions.

“Permanent disability has improved in many patients and doctors are saying it’s a miracle. We are 100% sure our product can become a game-changer.” 

Dr. Keito Shinmoto, Director, mediVR Rehabilitation Center Tokyo, Japan

Board Certified Doctor of Internal Medicine, Japanese Society of Internal MedicineVisiting Associate Professor, Office of Research and Academia-Government-Community Collaboration, Headquarters for Open Innovation, Department of Academia-Government-Industry Collaboration, Biodesign Division, Hiroshima, Japan

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How does Medical VR work?
What conditions can Medical VR help with?
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